From the beginning, I hosted a blog just to share my feels or opinions to other readers.
But sometimes we felt lonely of a few visitors and wondered why.
For my blogging aim, we want more and more readers or listener so we blog every day even every minutes. That’s a kind of fun!
Since I posted a TRUE STORY in NUFFNANG’s INNIT , I became little famous these two days. I say so because Nuffnang fellows crowded to read my blog and some left their commens, too.
Big Surprise!
I found my blog just an hour ago, it was listed at 663 place among the other 6000 bloggers in Billboard.(Click picture to enlarge)
Below is the details.
This is a great reward indeed for I recently attracted more readers around the world.
It is encouraging me to keep on blogging.
Note: If you are interested, also enter you blog into the list, but THIS IS A CHINESE WEBSITE.